Logic App Definition Parameter Vs ARM Parameters – ALM Part 3

In the previous blog – we looked into getting Logic Apps CI/CD using ARM Template Parameter, we briefly touched on logic app definition parameter. In this post, we will look further into using Logic app definition parameter as an intermediary and the benefits of doing so.


ARM Parameters Logic App definition Parameters
Used with ARM Template Used within a Logic App
Value evaluated during Deployment Value evaluated during Runtime
Syntax: “uri” : “[parameters(‘vsts_bug_url’)” Syntax:  “uri”: “@parameters(‘url’)”
Not referenced post-deployment Available in Code view and Designer view
Suited for Environment Specific values Suited for Reference objects

so the obvious question is how we can leverage Logic App parameters as an intermediary and why to do so?

Continue reading “Logic App Definition Parameter Vs ARM Parameters – ALM Part 3”

Logic App ALM Process for Dynamics 365 Integration – ALM Part 2

In the previous blog  – we looked into working with Logic Apps from Visual Studio, which allowed us to manage logic app code in TFS or Git or any other source control system. But to truly do DevOps for Logic Apps while integrating with Dynamics 365 you need to be able to do ALM process for Logic Apps better yet do continuous delivery/deployment.

when we are editing and deploying a Logic app in Visual Studio we are actually editing an ARM Template, So what is an ARM template?

ARM templates are JSON format template, it enables you to deploy Azure resources in a declarative manner and could be used to define all the resources in a resource group.

An Empty ARM Template Schema

"$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentTemplate.json#",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": { },
"variables" : { },
"resources": [],
"outputs": { }

To add a resource in ARM template, resource details are declared under resources properties, there could be multiple resources. Below is a sample of Empty Logic app added to empty ARM Template.

  "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentTemplate.json#",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {}, //ARM parameters
  "variables": {}, //ARM template variables
  "resources": [
      "name": "Logic APP Name",
      "type": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows",
      "location": "West US",
      "tags": {"displayName": "LogicApp" },
      "apiVersion": "2016-06-01",
      "properties": {
        "definition": {
          "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Logic/schemas/2016-06-01/workflowdefinition.json#",
          "contentVersion": "",
          "actions": {},
          "outputs": {},
          "parameters": {},//Logic App defination parameters defination
          "triggers": {}
        "parameters": {}   //parameter values
  "outputs": {}

Continue reading “Logic App ALM Process for Dynamics 365 Integration – ALM Part 2”

Integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 using Azure Logic App Service

In this post I’ll discuss Data Integration using Azure Logic App Service, we will create a Logic app that gets triggered when a case is created in Dynamics 365 and inturns creates a work item in Visual Studio Team services for the team to work on.

Logic App workflow is built using series of actions and Connectors, and has its own JSON based workflow definition schema, for details refer to my blog on The Basics of Azure Logic Apps Schema and Codeview editing

  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online instance (On-premise instance could be used as well using Azure Data Gateway)
  • Microsoft Azure subscription for creating a Logic APP (If you don’t have an Azure subscription you can either use Try a Logic App feature which creates a logic app for an hour or you may sign up for a Trial account.)
  • Visual Studio Team services account (SignUp link).

Continue reading “Integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 using Azure Logic App Service”